We want all of our visitors to have the most enjoyable trip they can. By following the steps below, you will not only be helping our local economy and people, you will also help to protect our environment, so that others can enjoy everything that our community offers for many years to come.

Photo credit: Iain Maciver
Support our local businesses and makers
To support our local businesses, why not buy your supplies or your gifts from one of our local businesses. We are well-served in North Lewis, with many local makers, crofters, weavers and shop owners operating in the area. Our community is hard at work – come and see the fruits of their labour.
Engage with our local community
Our community is often bustling with events, happenings and local goings-on. Visit the Comunn Eachdraidh Nis (Ness Historical Society) for an insight into the history of our community. Feel the rhythms of our way of life by getting involved in some of our local events. You can often find listings of local events run by Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn here and on social media.
Engage with our landscape responsibly
Whilst visiting our stunning beaches, machair and historical sites, be mindful of the following tips.
If you are heading through land with livestock on it, your dog should be on a lead. Crofters maintain the right to shoot a dog worrying or attacking livestock.
Do not park on the machair. This will damage the wildflowers and the fragile environment.
Do not park in areas saying, ‘No Overnight Parking’, or in passing places.
Never block access to tracks, fields, roads or entrance ways.
Make sure where you have parked is not obstructing the road. Emergency services may need to pass through.
Camping and Campervans:
We ask that you camp responsibly.
If you are having a fire or a BBQ, do not light BBQs or fires in areas where it can damage the landscape. If you do have a fire, make sure it is fully extinguished. Remember to check for sparks, embers and heat spots after you have put the fire out. This step could be the one that prevents a wildfire, especially in dry seasons.
Take all of your rubbish with you. Use biodegradable detergents, and drain kitchen wastewater tanks away from water courses. Do not leave any remains of human waste. You can either dig a hole and bury the waste, or pick it up and dispose of it correctly. This includes all tissues and toilet paper.
Never empty a chemical toilet in the landscape or in a public toilet. Empty a chemical toilet in a designated chemical waste area. You will find these at Spòrsnis and Galson campsite.