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Sharing our language

Scottish Gaelic is widely spoken across the Isle of Lewis. A Celtic language, Gaelic has been spoken by Gaels for over 1,500 years and is a central part of our heritage and cultural identity. 

Whether it is to say hello to someone in a shop or hotel, feel connected to our culture or even to learn a beautiful ancient Gaelic song, why not learn a few words to try out whilst you're here. 

Photo credit Kevin Donner


Madainn mhath / Good morning

Feasgar math  / Good afternoon/evening

Oidhche mhath / Good night​

Ciamar a tha thu? / How are you?


Tha mi gu math / I am well

Chan eil mi dona / I'm not bad

Tapadh leat / Thank you

Mas e do thoil e / Please

’S e do bheatha / You're welcome

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Photo credit Murdanie Macleod
Eye of the butt (Angus Maclean).jpg
Photo credit Angus Maclean


Tha i  /  It is ...


Àlainn / Beautiful


Blàth  / Warm


Brèagha   / Lovely


Fliuch / Wet       


Frasach / Showery     


Fuar / Cold           


Garbh / Wild     


Grianach / Sunny   


Mì-chàilear / Unpleasant 


Sgòthach / Cloudy    


Teth / Hot           


Tioram / Dry        


Tha an t-uisge ann / It is raining   


Tha an sneachda ann / It is snowing


Tha an reothadh ann / It is icy


Tha turadh ann / There is a break in the weather     


Tha gèile a’ tighinn / There's a gale coming   


Tha droch shìde ann / The weather is bad               

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See & Do

Beinn OR Cnoc / Hill     


Mullach na beinne / Summit of the hill     


Boglach / Bog


Machair / Machair


Fraoch / Heather   


Mòinteach / Moor


Cladach / Shore


Tràigh / Beach


Gnàth-sìde / Climate


Muir OR Cuan  /  Sea


Sruth  / Stream            


Creagan / Cliffs


Uamh / Cave


Abhainn / River     


Croit / Croft             

Tha mi a'dol cuairt / I'm going for a walk

Tha mi a'dol surfadh / I'm going surfing

'S toil leam spòrs uisge / I like watersports

Tha mi a' coimhead eun / I'm birdwatching

Tha mi a'dol a' shnàmh / I'm going swimming

Tha mi a'dol gu cèilidh / I'm going to a ceilidh

Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig / I'm learning Gaelic


See & do
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Eat & Drink

Am faigh mi... mas e do thoil e / Can I get... please?

Bu chaomh leam / I would like

Copan teatha/cofaidh / A cup of tea/coffee

Pìos cèic / A slice of cake

Bainne / Milk

Siùcar / Sugar

Bùrn / Uisge / Water

Ceapair / Sandwich

Brot / Soup

Am faigh mi glainne fion mas e do thoil e / Can I have a glass of wine please?

Dè tha thu ag iarraidh ri òl? / What do you want to drink?

Gabhaidh mi glainne fìon / I'll have a glass of wine​​​

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Càite a bheil... / Where is...?

Dè tha seo a'cosg? / How much is this?


A bheil.... agaibh? / Do you have...?


Clò Hearach / Harris Tweed


A bheil sibh a'gabhail cairtean? / Do you accept cards?

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Cuin a bhios bracaist ann? / When is breakfast?

A bheil taigh-seinnse faisg? / Is there a pub nearby?


Càite an teid mi a dh'ith? / Where can I go to eat?

Càite a bheil an taigh-beag? / Where is the toilet?


A bheil rùm agaibh? /  Do you have any rooms available?

Cuin a tha an ath bhus? When is the next bus?

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Photo credit Ali Finlayson

Gaelic resources

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