Emergency services
Seirbhisean Èiginneach
Emergency: Call 999
Medical Clinics:
The Group Practice, Habost
Habost, Ness, Isle of Lewis, HS2 0TG
Tel: 01851 810689
Borve Surgery, Borve, Isle of Lewis, HS2 0RX. Tel: 01851 860222
Local hospital:
Western Isles Hospital
MacAulay Road, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, HS1 2AF
Tel: 01851 704704
Local police:
Stornoway Police Station,
18 Church St, Stornoway HS1 2JD
Transport & Garages
Seirbhisean Còmhdhail
Local Bus Transport
There are regular buses running between Galson Estate and Stornoway. For times, please click here.
Private Bus Charter - Hebridean Minibus Service
Tel: (01851) 810323
email: murdobeag@hotmail.com
Vehicle Repairs - Iain Murray Motor Repairs
55 Cross Skigersta Road, Ness, HS2 0TQ
Tel: (01851)810121 Mob: 07833975657
Electric Vehicle Charging Points
Lionel, Ness, HS2 0XB
Tel: (01851) 810039
Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn Business Centre
South Galson, HS2 0SH
Tel: (01851) 850411
Public toilets
Taighean-beaga Poblach
South Galson
Behind Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn Business Centre,
Tom na Bà,
South Galson,
Opening hours: 7 days a week, 24 hr access.
Small charge for use of this facility.
Opening hours: Mon - Sat 8am - 8pm
Sun - Closed
Small charge for use of this facility.
Eoropie Dunes Play Park,
Opening hours: 11am-4pm when the kiosk is open. Donations for use of this facility.
Port of Ness
The Breakwater
Port of Ness
Please check for opening times.
There a number of defibrillators across North Lewis. You will find a list of these below:
Clan MacQuarrie Community Centre, Borve
Church of Scotland, Barvas
Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn Business Centre
Port of Ness Fire Station, South Dell, HS2 0SP
Breakwater Cafe
Lionel School
Iain Murray repairs
Taigh Dhonnchaidh

Advice to walkers
Comhairle do Luchd-coiseachd
Plan Ahead – Before you leave the house, plan your route, check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. Remember that the weather on the island is extremely changeable and can be much colder in exposed areas.
Bring a map – If you prefer to use a GPS, carry a backup map and compass as well as spare batteries. Navigating using a mobile phone will drain the battery quickly.
Let someone know where you are going and when you intend to be back.
Natural hazards - There are many natural hazards, such as uneven ground, rough paths, cliffs, steep and rocky ground, fast-flowing rivers and deep water with undercurrents. Use common sense and take care. There is a longstanding legal principle called “volenti non fit injuria” which means that a person taking access will generally be held to have accepted any obvious risks or risks which are inherent in the activities they are undertaking.
Protect yourself against ticks - Ticks are found in the moorland on the estate especially in the spring through to autumn. There is a small element of risk that if you are bitten by a tick, you could contract Lyme Disease. To prevent getting tick bites, tuck your trousers into your socks and spray yourself with insect repellent containing deet. Remember to check your body when you get home.
If you are walking with a dog, please ensure it is under proper control. If they are near livestock, ensure they are on a lead to prevent ‘worrying’.
Close all gates.
For further information, click HERE to visit the Scottish Outdoor Access Code (SOAC).
If you do have a problem requiring emergency services, call 999.
Click here for a very useful information sheet about crofting land, access and its history. You can also find some walk recommendations here.

Guidance for Camping & Campervans
Stiùireadh do Luchd-campaidh
Click here for designated campsites.
We ask that you please follow our simple guidelines to reduce the impact of both wild-camping and campervans on the estate land.
Do not drive on machair areas as this will damage the wildflowers and fragile environment.
Do not park in areas that state ‘no overnight parking’ or in 'passing places'.
Do not block access to roads, entrance ways, access to tracks and fields.
Do not light BBQs or fires in areas where it can damage the landscape. If you do have a fire, please ensure it is fully extinguished when finished, any remnants are cleared away and leave no evidence behind.
Use biodegradable detergents, and drain kitchen wastewater tanks away from water courses.
Please take all your rubbish and dispose of it when you do reach a litter bin.
Do not leave any remains of human waste. Either dig a hole and bury it, or pick it up and dispose of it correctly including all tissue/ toilet paper.
Support a sustainable tourism industry – shop local and eat local.
Please empty chemical toilet waste in a designated chemical waste area. Public toilets are not suitable to empty chemical toilets as it upsets the sewage treatment process.
Chemical Waste Deposit Locations
Spòrsnis, Lionel, Ness, HS2 0XB
£4 for use of this facility
Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn Business Centre, South Galson, HS2 0SH
£5 for use of this facility (accessible 24 hrs)

Cross Free Church of Scotland
Cross, Ness, Isle of Lewis, HS2 0SZ
(01851) 811193
Website: crossfreechurch.org
The following services take place:
Sunday: 12pm and 6pm in the church.
Wednesday: Prayer Meeting at 7:30pm in the Church Hall
Monthly: On the first Monday of every month there is a Prayer Meeting in the church hall at 7:30pm.
Ness Free Presbyterian Church
Slighe Naomh Ronain, Ness, Isle of Lewis, HS2 0XB
Contact Details: (01859) 520271
Email: kmwatkins@fpchurch.org.uk
The following services are held:
Sunday: 12pm and 6pm
Wednesday: Prayer Meeting at 7pm.
Ness Free Church (Continuing)
North Dell, Ness, Isle of Lewis, HS2 0SW
(01851) 810037
Website: www.nesschurch.wordpress.com/about
Sunday: 12pm and 6pm in the church.
Wednesday: Prayer Meeting at 7:30pm.
On the first Monday of every month, there is a Prayer Meeting held at 7:30pm.
Barvas Free Church of Scotland
Cross Ness Church of Scotland
Cross, Ness, Isle of Lewis, HS2 0TD
(01851) 810375 / 07899 235355
Website: www.crossnesschurch.com
Email: crossnesschurchofscotland@gmail.com
Sunday: 11am and 6pm in the church.
Wednesday: Prayer Meeting at 7:30pm in the Church Hall.
On the first Monday of every month, there is a Prayer Meeting held at 7:30pm.
St Moluag's Scottish Episcopal Church
Eoropaidh, Ness, Isle of Lewis, HS2 0XH
(01851) 704435 / 07970694021
Email: pjmoger@googlemail.com
First Sunday of the month – 3.00pm Eucharist
(also at St Peter’s Stornoway: Sunday 11.00am, 6.30pm; Wednesday 11.00am)
Other services, events and Bible studies as advertised on Facebook.
Barvas Church of Scotland
Barvas, Isle of Lewis, HS2 0QZ
Facebook: @BarvasCofS
Email: contact@barvaschurchofscotland.org
Sunday: 12pm and 6pm
Thursday: Prayer Meeting at 7:30pm
Monday: Monthly Prayer Meeting: 7:30pm
Saturday: Prayer Meeting in the Shader Meeting House at 8pm.
Barvas, Isle of Lewis, HS2 0QN
Website: www.barvasfreechurch.org
Sunday: 11am and 6pm
Wednesday: Prayer Meeting and Bible Study at 7:30pm
Sunday: On the second Sunday of the month there is a 6pm service in the Borve Meeting House.